No matter how you well you nurture your inbound enquiries, there will always be reasons your new consults won’t book their plastic or cosmetic procedure. Read below to find out the most common reasons why a patient may delay their surgery. Conversion PLUS offers an ‘Overcoming Objections’ learning module to optimise your team’s conversations and systems to increase your chances of making a same-day booking. Do you have any of these issues in your practice? Keep reading….

1- Looking Around For Cosmetic Surgery 

Solution: Patients will often take the opportunity to get another opinion or further research their procedure for a better price. In this circumstance, confidence in your service and quality of your surgical results is key. Surgery is a big decision and a second opinion should be encouraged!

2- Feeling Overwhelmed After Cosmetic Surgery Consult 

Solution: If a patient is not properly educated prior to their appointment, they can walk away from their consultation feeling overwhelmed or confused with their surgical treatment, even more so if they are presented with multiple surgical options. Conversion PLUS phone enquiries training ensures that your patients are feeling educated and supported prior to their consultation.

3- Feeling Anxious After Cosmetic Surgery Consult 

Solution: Reassure patients about the procedure, potential scars, and the recovery process. Make sure they understand that certain side effects are part of the process but are manageable and temporary. Language choices in this type of conversation is extremely important. Invite the patient back to discuss their concerns further with a Patient Coordinator or Surgeon.

4- Too Many Breast Implant or Surgical Options 

Solution: Offer the patient a comprehensive overview of the different types and sizes of implants available. Really flex your knowledge muscles here! Let them know that the choice ultimately depends on their body type, personal preferences, and desired outcome but the surgeon will provide the best guidance. 

5- BAD NEWS OR BAD MOOD ie. Patient Did Not Agree with Surgical Plan (Breast Lift vs Breast Augmentation) or  Did Not Like Surgeon/Staff 

Solution: If patients receive disappointing news, it should be delivered with empathy and understanding. Ensure that the surgeon and staff maintain a friendly professional demeanor at all times. 

HOT TIP: Determine what makes your surgeon upset – hunger, stress, fatigue? How can you help to prevent this?

6- Medical Tests Needed After Consult 

Solution: Work with your potential patient to assist them in scheduling these tests. Ask them to let you know when they’re booked for so we can be on top of the results and use it as a reason to call and follow up for surgery. 

7- Small Weight Loss Pre Surgery 

Solution: Talk to the patient about their goals and how they intent to go about their weight loss. Agree on a realistic time line and continue to touch base with the patient to check in with them. Consider using practice branded habit trackers or weight loss journals/goal sheets. 

8- Large Weight Loss Pre Surgery 

Solution: Consider partnering your surgical practice with a weight management practice. If the potential patient is looking to loose significant weight either with diet and exercise, weight loss medication or weight loss surgery, refer them to a clinic that can assist with this. 

9- Need To Give Up Smoking Before Surgery 

Solution: This is a tricky one! At the end of the day, if the patient doesn’t want to give up smoking, they won’t. However, make it very clear to the patient why they need to cease smoking. You may also choose to book that patient in for a follow up appointment in 8 weeks where the patient must stop smoking. Explain to the patient that the surgeon may choose to complete a nicotine test. Consider introducing a smoking clause to your complication or revision policy. 

10 – Price Shock – Shocked About Price 

11 – Super Access – Finding $ Via Superannuation

12 – Selling House – Need To Sell House/Asset To Fund Surgery

13 – Saving – Saving Up The Money

14 – Funds – Needs Funds For Other Urgent Purpose – Funeral, Carcrash, Partner Illness

15 – Litigating – Suing Another Surgeon To Get Money (Insurance)

16 – Convince Partner – Needs Approval From Spouse Support

17 – Convince Other – Need To Convince Family, Boss, Friends

18 – Support – Need Help At Home After Surgery

19 – Planning Date – Find A Date – Timing Of Holidays, Kids, School, Uni, Winter, Moving

20 – Leave – Have To Wait For Workplace Leave Availability

21 – Private Health Insurance – Applying For Private Health Insurance Or Waiting Period for PHI Restrictions 

22 – Annual Leave – Have To Wait For New Job To Accrue AL

23 – Divorce – Waiting For Divorce Settlement

24 – Early Enquiry – Just In Research / Planning Mode

25 – Pregnancy – Currently Pregnant Or Having More Kids

26 – Too Young – Patient Too Young / Not Mature Enough

27 – Overseas – Moving/Gone Overseas For Work or Holiday

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